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"...reading is fundamental!"

-wedge (class act, 1992)

meet the books behind the podcast.
bad advice.jpg

bad advice

or why celebrities, politicians, and activists aren't your best source of health information

this book helped inspire 'episode 6: adventures in popular health claims'.  click here to learn more about this book.


bad pharma

how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients

this book helped us create 

'episode 21: adventures in guinea pigging'.  click here to learn more about this book.

bad advice.jpg


the art of thinking without thinking

this book helped us make 'episode 31: adventures in thinking without thinking'.  click here to learn more about this book.


don't cross your eyes

they'll get stuck like that!

this book helped us create 'episode 2: adventures in aftertastes" and

'episode 7: adventures in homemade pregnancy tests'.  click here to learn more about this book.


do you believe in magic?

vitamins, supplements, and all things natural: a look behind the curtain

this book helped us create

'episode 6: adventures in popular health claims'.  click here to learn more about this book.



a perfectly natural history

this book helped us create

'episode 39: adventures in corpse medicine'.  click here to learn more about this book.


human wildlife

the life that lives on us

this book helped us create 'episode 55: adventures in human wildlife.  click here to learn more about this book.


improvised medicine

providing care in extreme environments

this book helped us create

'episode 22: adventures in alien preparedness'.  click here to learn more about this book.


packing for mars

the curious science of life in the void

this book helped us create 'episode 1: adventures in body odor'.  click here to learn more about this book.



a brief history in the worst ways to cure everything

this book helped us create

'episode 39: adventures in corpse medicine'.  click here to learn more about this book.


survival doctor's complete handbook

what to do when help is not on the way

this book helped us create 'episode 22: adventures in alien preparedness'.  click here to learn more about this book.


the pain chronicles

cures, myths, mysteries, prayers, diaries, brain scans, healing, and the science of suffering

this book helped us create 'episode 12: adventures in pain'.  click here to learn more about this book.


the ultimate survival medicine guide


this book helped us create

'episode 22: adventures in alien preparedness'.  click here to learn more about this book.



a comprehensive guide to identifying and avoiding ingredients of animal origin in everyday products

this book helped us create

'episode 25: adventures in animal derived medicines'.  click here to learn more about this book.


when there is no doctor

a village health care handbook

this book helped us create

'episode 22: adventures in alien prepareness'.  click here to learn more about this book.


you are no so smart

why you have too many friends on facebook, why your memory is mostly fiction, and 46 other ways you're deluding yourself

this book helped us create

'episode 6: adventures in popular health claims, , 'episode 31: adventures in thinking without thinking', and 'episode 31.5: adventures in homemade pregnancy tests'.  click here to learn more about this book.


the butchering art

joseph lister's quest to transform the grisly world of victorian medicine

this book helped to inspire 'episode 39: adventures in corpse medicine'.  click here to learn more about this book.


bad medicine

misconceptions and misuses revealed, from distance healing to vitamin o

this book helped us create 'episode 2: adventures in aftertastes', 'episode 6: adventures in popular health claims', 'episode 10: adventures in hair loss', and 'episode 13: adventures in radiation'.  click here to learn more about this book.


bad science

quacks, hacks, and big pharma flacks

this book helped us create 'episode 6: adventures in popular health claims'.  click here to learn more about this book.


build the perfect bug out survival skills

your guide to emergency wilderness survial

this book helped us create 'episode 22: adventures in alien preparedness'.  click here to learn more about this book.


don't swallow your gum!

myths, half-truths, and outright lies about your body and health

this book helped us create

'episode 2: adventures in aftertastes'.  click here to learn more about this book.


campbell biology

(9th edition)

this book helped us create 'episode 3: adventures in body fat' and

'episode 4: adventures in body fat gone wild'.  click here to learn more about this book.



the central science

(9th edition)

this book helped us create 'episode 4: adventures in body fat gone wild' and 'episode 13: adventures in radiation'.  click here to learn more about this book.


i contain multitudes

the microbes within us and a grander view of life

this book helped us create 'episode 55: adventures in human wildlife.  click here to learn more about this book.


it's not rocket science


this book helped us create

'episode 3: adventures in body fat', 'episode 31: adventures in thinking without thinking', and

'episode 31.5: adventures in testing homemade pregnancy tests'.  click here to learn more about this book.



principles with applications

this book helped us create 'episode 48: adventures in crossfit'.  click here to learn more about this book.



the curious lives of human cadavers

this book helped us create

'episode 39: adventures in corpse medicine'.  click here to learn more about this book.


survival hacks

over 200 ways to use everyday items for wilderness 

this book helped us create 'episode 22: adventures in alien preparedness'.  click here to learn more about this book.


the professional guinea pig

providing care in extreme environments

this book helped us create 'episode 21: adventures in guinea pigging'.  click here to learn more about this book.


the universe inside you

the extreme science of the human body

this book helped us create 'episode 10: adventures in hair loss', 'episode 13: adventures in radiation', 'episode 31: adventures in thinking without thinking', and 'episode 31.5: adventures in testing homemade pregnancy tests'.  click here to learn more about this book.


what is life?

a guide to biology with physiology

this book helped us create 'episode 3: adventures in body fat', 'episode 4: adventures in body fat one wild', 'episode 10: adventures in hair loss', 'episode 31: adventures in thinking without thinking', and

'episode 31.5: adventures in testing homemade pregnancy tests'.  click here to learn more about this book.


why do men fall asleep after sex?

more questions you'd only ask a doctor after your third whiskey sour

this book helped us create

'episode 2: adventures in aftertastes'.  click here to learn more about this book.


your body

the missing manual

this book helped us create 'episode 1: adventures in body odor', 'episode 16: adventures in stretch marks',

'episode 40: adventures in ear wax', and 'episode 49: adventures in paper cuts'.  click here to learn more about this book.

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